The domain
L’histoire de la famille Mennetrier commence au XVIIIème Siècle à Arrentières, village sage et réservé, ancré dans le terroir de la Côte des Bar. Between Paris and Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises, where the soil is melted with clay and limestone, the vine is tough and generous.
Indeed, for centuries, it's been resisting the harshness of the northern climate and this particular vigour provides the Mennetrier's wines with a very singular charisma.

Still, wine is not only a matter of soil and climate, it's also a matter of souls, human souls, which have been working respecfully for ages on preservation of traditions and environnement.
However, among the many members of the Mennetrier family, two of them have made the difference ; Jean and his wife Jacqueline Chaput. En véritables pionniers, ils bouleversent profondément les traditions à partir de 1960, en commençant par planter les pieds de Chardonnay de la Côte des Bar.
The vineyard composed, for the most part of Pinot noir and for the lesser part of Chardonnay, is at the origin of the spirit of their "cuvées".
Now the young generation has joined the family exploitation. They are committed to strengthen and to develop the visionary project of their father : : Each member of the family, providing his or her skills and expertise, work for the creation of four magnificent wines.

Each of them, unique in their skills in creating four remarkable treasures in which centuries of love of the grape resonate. Four disarming wines of Humanity, which oscillate between modesty and wisdom, innovation, pugnacity and insolence.

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Champagne Mennetrier
Rue du Champ Bourbon
10200 Arrentières
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